
Dream Bag

Dream Bag - a dream like flower for the young and old people. Close it into a bud and let it blossom when or wherever you want either inside or outdoors. Made from foam filled polyester, beaver nylon and is easy to bring with you. Looking for producer!

Kasper Medin 和 Ulrika E. Engberg创造的「Dream Bag」,用花當做懶骨頭椅墊的新點子,在圓形坐墊的外圍加上許多舒適的花瓣,底下的墊子也可以變成收納花瓣的袋子,輕鬆帶著走沒有任何一點麻煩。展開來 的時候,就像一朵盛開的花朵,而你就可以坐在中央。雖然Kasper Medin 和 Ulrika E. Engberg沒有什麼宗教的念頭,但中国人第一印象是否想起觀音大士的蓮花座呢?


Chromed Cuckoo

Although the facade of this Cuckoo Chrome Clock is made from silver plastic, it's a real cuckoo clock with doors that open on the hour to expose a small bird that randomly chirps one of 12 tunes. At 25"(h) x 14"(w) x 9"(d), this clock can't be ignored, but adjustable volume control can help contain the impact.